Renamon and Rika: The Objective

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#5 of Renamon and Rika

Foreword: It felt more right to focus on Rika a little longer first, dealing with the consequences of her seeding. We'll get back to Takato being gender changed in the next chapter instead, after he's gotten a bit more used to being stuck around a thick Digimon cock or two. No special/weird kinks this time around. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments, they are always fun to read!

How we seek to change ourselves to deal with the path we take in life is what defines us in our youth. How we choose to adapt, if at all capable of it in the first place, is how we establish our value. If you cannot adapt, then it is hard to find within yourself, a value. It's a personal thing, after all, your own value depends on your own interpretation of your actions. Something that you'd consider right or morally just, or necessary even, may only be so, because of the light that's currently shed on it. If it weren't for the situation, or the context, then you'd second guess yourself or cast a different judgement or make a different decision. Hence the ever-torturing aspect of a terrible human quality, regret.

Rika mulled the thought over in her head. She was a perfect example, she had to save herself further torture from Renamon. To do so, she had to comply with what she was told, even if that would only complicate matters further in the future. She was afraid of what those complications had in stock for her, however. To Renamon, she was a mere living sex doll. Used for pleasure like a toy. So, when the choice was between enduring more torture herself, or possibly opening her chances for escape by dragging another individual into Renamons' nefarious plot with her, she did what had to be done. It wasn't a choice; it was a necessity. Yes. One that could have been made differently under different circumstances, one that she was already coming to regret. One that, in some sense, was extinguishing a small part of her inner value. Forever, she would know herself to be weaker than she pretended to be, a sliver of cowardice thriving within her that brought her to this edge where she betrayed her best friend.

Just like she'd been betrayed by hers. Renamon was supposed to have been tending to her, protecting her, protecting the digital realm just as much as hers. Whatever this poison infecting her now was, it would seem to threaten all existence on a much deeper level than they were used to. No mere virus could do something like this, nor could it affect humans like this. Whatever line there existed between the digital world and her real world, it was getting blurrier. She had heard of ramblings of other Digimon, in the past, speaking of a time when the two worlds should merge. Then Digimon and Humanity could live together in harmony. It was hardly likely, considering how humans fought over their existing dominion. The fight for conquest, the new terrors in their way, it would spark a world war for the ages. What human would be able to compete with a powerful Digimon? Any such war would only involve legions of of the most capable of Digimon, trained to give their lives for their tamer, and that it was honorable. These would form the basis of new types of armies, dominated by humanity. It would never work, co-existence was impossible.

Unless of course, the melding of the worlds wasn't so sudden. If the realms were truly meant to join, for the sake of harmony, there would have to be compromises. It would have to be a gradual meeting of the two, integrating within one another and only truly melding when the conditions were perfect. Things were slowly falling into place, truly now, for Rika. Credit given where credit was due, she had to be honest with herself. If this theory of hers proved to be correct, and of course she still had plenty enough reason to doubt it, it would explain Renamon's actions. It could also explain her end goal. What she wasn't quite sure of yet, was how Renamon's intentions tied into the end goal, theories were only a part of the puzzle after all. Something like this could only have been orchestrated by someone with vast power from within the digital world. The Digimon God, perhaps. No, that wouldn't be possible unless he was corrupted in some way. As far as Rika knew, the domain of the Digimon God was the safest anywhere. He couldn't have sanctioned something so sacrilegious. He loved all things and taught compassion.

Right now, the only compassion she felt was the kind that radiated heat in her womb. It made her theories fly out the window with the rest of the warm musk around her. Renamon was all too kind to snuggle up with Rika while leaving the windows open to bring in a bit of fresh air overnight. More so for herself than the humans. The ungodly amount of musk that Guilmon radiated put even Renamon to shame. Not that she could be blamed, the source of that musk was obviously due in part to the leaking boy tamer. Takatos' poor belly had been filled so far with all manners of musk that he couldn't hold it in himself. Now his little thighs, and consequently, the sheets, were a wet mess. At some point or another, Takato must have passed out underneath Guilmon, but not before drinking directly from the source of all that hot musk for a few hours. Now, as the morning sun began to reflect off the trees and cast rays into the bedroom, he began to squirm again.

Rika on the other hand was attempting to stay perfectly still, trying to mentally comfort herself with the momentary warmth she felt in bed. Renamons' cock tip was only softly throbbing inside her womb, spreading her cervix a little painfully with each flex. If she didn't move, she wouldn't have to focus on how painfully full her ovaries are. She still couldn't quite fathom it. Much as her mind was trying to cope with this new reality, and find an escape, it was also stopping her from acknowledging that her body was now surely pregnant. Having progressed fully into the stage of denial already, Rika believed she was too young for this, it wouldn't matter if Renamon pumped gallons into her, it wouldn't take. Her body was too little for it. There would be no way in hell that a fox with a throbbing girl cock between her legs could impregnate a little human body. So, she didn't have to worry about fighting against it, she could just relish and enjoy the sensation of her body slowly filling with thick, warm cum. Apart from the sometimes-painful throbbing within her, it was almost comforting to be so full. This time, she didn't chastise herself for thinking it, either. There was just a soft glow surrounding her that she managed to submit herself to long enough to forget, just for the moment, the consequences.

With each passing second, the tip of the flexing cock pressing inside her womb drew her focus to the fresh ropes of cum pumping inside her Fallopian tubes. A painfully narrow channel for such a thick, virile load. Yes. This is where Renamon should be pumping her cum if her intention was to get Rika pregnant. Not that it would work. Renamon could pride herself a little longer in her delusion that her plan was working. Rika would escape this perversion today, now that Takato was there to act as a distraction. So, a few more minutes wouldn't hurt. A few more minutes of allowing Renamon to pump thick girl cum into her little ovaries wouldn't do any damage that hadn't already been done.Even though all this trouble with Renamon had started only a couple of days ago, it still felt like forever ago that Rikas' first period had soaked the sheets. Renamon had been there then, to comfort her, before this mess. Even then however, she had likely been waiting, planning for this. Rika was still ovulating. Even now, the virile sperm inside her were desperately trying to lay claim to her ovum. All she needed to do was give in, just for a second.

Renamon was enjoying herself too, slowly awoken by the tightly squeezing confines of Rikas cute, little pussy milking around her girl cock. The little girl was still pretending to be asleep in her arms, but Renamon could tell that was no longer the case. Hell, just to tease her, Renamon kept softly flexing her cock tip inside Rikas tight little womb. Even so, Rika didn't seem to react, it wasn't even eliciting the usual whine or gasp. They had both fallen asleep while one of those soft, furry paws kept caressing that full, little belly. It was still resting there, holding onto her. Even Renamon was a bit amazed at the sheer quantity of musk that Rika managed to keep in her body. Every extra spurt in her womb or stomach had been slowly stretching her skin little by little. Renamon wouldn't be surprised if it was preparing Rika for how taut her skin would be stretched with the first litter.

Rika flirted with the thought. A big, warm litter of Rena-cubs, growing in her little body. How would it feel to walk around, carrying that extra weight inside her? Would they wake her up in the middle of the night, stirring within her as they slowly grew? Renamon would most certainly follow through with her threat to make Rika attend school even as the pregnancy progressed. That itself made Rika blush a little. She pictured the looks of her peers, jeering or whispering about her in the hall or even in class. Having to sit in class and attempt to focus on learning just another mundane math lesson, while deep inside her, cubs were growing whether she wanted them or not. Renamon would ensure she'd have nobody to turn to. This rape would be one of many.

Yes. Just a little longer. Just a little more thick cum, to add to what was already inside. Yes. She wanted to be raped just like this. Gently, in the arms of her Renamon, right after ovulating for the first time. She just had to squeeze her little legs tightly together to squeeze and milk that throbbing, raw girl cock better. Yes. Good girl. Her cunt was made for this. Just let Renamon flex her cock inside, spreading those little cunt lips a little bit each time, to get deeper inside. Let it press there, against the entrance to her ovaries. Let it wash her most vulnerable place with thick, virile girl cum. This was the whole reason Renamon came to her so early in her youth. To be here, to knock her up as soon as she was of age to carry a litter. If the silly theories swimming around in her head were anything to go by, Rika was to become possibly one of the most important diplomats on earth. Renamon had to be certain Rika knew her place before such a time came.

To that end, all she had to do was give in. Just allow those sperm to violate her little body, to pulse into her, swim directly to her ovum and celebrate their arrival by allowing it to start penetrating the microscopic membrane protecting her last ounce of purity. There it goes, if she focused, she could listen to the millions of wiggling virile sperm trying to impregnate her. She just needed to squeeze her little legs together a little more. She could pinpoint the exact moment it happened. Right as Renamons warm paw squeezed around her belly, that cock tip still flexing and pumping just one extra warm rope of fresh cum inside her ovary to top it off. Rikas eyes were closed, still picturing her ovum giving in, allowing that warm cum to invade and impregnate her. Her collar clicked with finality around her neck.

A sudden shiver seemed to run through Rika, had Renamon flexed her girl cock too much? Rika suddenly pushed the blankets aside, pulled herself free of Renamon surprisingly quickly, and ran, dripping with cum, to the bathroom. Renamon tilted her head curiously, surprised how, with ease, her cock had slipped free of Rikas little body. It was still amazing it even fit inside her in the first place. Relinquishing her own control over the blanket, Renamon stepped out into the fresh bedroom air. The window was still open since last night. Guilmon could be left alone for the moment, she sensed something much more important was happening in the bathroom right now. Only a few steps down the hall and Renamons ears perked up, already able to hear Rika gag and hurl in the bathroom. The disgusting sounds echoed throughout the hall, even after being muffled by the door. Renamon patiently stood outside the bathroom for a while, considering the ultimate meaning of this with hope. It was undoubtedly morning sickness, that or the amount of dirty musk she drank the night prior. Stipulating over the cause would do no good, and instead Renamon resigned herself to wait until the worst of it was over, and Rika started to wash up.

This is the last thing Rika needed right now. She caught Renamons eyes in the reflection of the mirror while busy washing her face, and gargling with a glass of fresh water, to get the taste of bile out of her mouth. There was a distinct sense of dread filling her as Renamon stepped into the bathroom, all the while looking Rikas reflection in the eyes. It was becoming clearer by the moment, yet even still Rika was fully in denial of the developing problem. There was nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide. Renamon could easily wrap her big paws around Rikas little body, gently caress her, and brush her hair nicely, so it didn't look like bed head anymore.

Renamon pulled out one of the drawers, to grab something from inside the back of it. A small white box, which she quickly pried open and deposited the contents therein, in front of Rika. It almost looked like a stylus for a phone, only a few centimeters in length. It wasn't until Renamon held the box there for Rika to read, that it all dawned on her. Her nausea seemed to return tenfold, and she pushed Renamons paw out of her way, to throw up into the toilet again. Renamon was there, kindly holding Rikas hair back, giving her enough room to breathe and deal with the sordid business. The sound of the box dropping to the counter was already a forgotten ordeal, and yet its mocking reflection still laughed at her from a distance.


What doubt, or rather hope, had she left to resort to? It was all slowly crumbling around her, her peaceful world. The sense of dread had been right after all. She should have just stayed in bed that day when it had been so cold in the house. Then none of this would have happened. Not to mention, if her mother wasn't on another one of her stupid trips, she could have been there to stop it from happening. Renamon had waited for the perfect storm, nothing would end this now.

Guilmon stirred lightly in his sleep, waking Takato underneath him with a startling gurgle emanating from deep inside him. He couldn't breathe! Everything was dark, he couldn't even open his eyes. His stomach hurt, and his bladder was about to burst. All at once, the memory of last night flooded back into him when he tried to move. Guilmons' impressive horse cock was still lodged deep inside his throat. The warm sensation still coating his little face was that churning, musk generating sack, never having left his face from the night prior. Even if it had, Takato doubted he'd be able to open his eyes, as they must have been glued shut by the amount of pure musk coating his face.

There was a slight wiggle in his hips as he tried to leverage himself out from underneath Guilmon. Overnight, somehow the contraption connecting his mouth to the thick sheath had become dislodged. With care, he'd be able to extricate himself. If he just shimmied himself down slowly, maybe the big Digimon wouldn't notice it. He was having trouble just maintaining consciousness, and in dire need of fresh oxygen already. Where were Rika and Renamon? Why didn't Rika help him? Just a few more inches of movement, hnng. There, he could breathe just a little. The flared cock tip slipped free of the entrance to his stomach with a loud, yet muffled 'slurp'. Takatos throat remained inflated with the shape of Guilmons flared cock head, but besides that, he was almost free. It was just his luck that Guilmon was still snoozing, and rolled a little to the side, giving Takato the freedom of movement necessary to extricate himself from underneath the large creature.

He fought, inch by inch, little by little, for his freedom. Without his hands to help him, shuffling down the length of the bed was far more difficult. It was a wet mess. Only now did it dawn on him the shame he had felt when it had become impossible to hold his bladder. He had drank too much musk from Guilmon. Uh oh. He couldn't go too fast, or else he would wake his Digimon. It already sounded like Guilmon was only barely staying asleep, excited a little by every movement that Takato made in an attempt to escape. A sudden flex rippled down the length of Guilmons cock, flexing deeply in Takatos throat, flaring the tip inside it. An immediate, muffled yelp escaped Takato, as he struggled to fight his urge to gulp and swallow around the intruder in his throat. He even managed to get his eyes to open, despite the sticky musk coating them.

It was only bad news, Guilmon was shifting in his sleep, having sensed the absence of the warm confines of his tight cock sleeve. Slowly, all of Takatos' progress was being negated. Guilmon was adjusting his sleeping position, his front paws even instinctively tugging on Takatos legs to help push the boy back underneath, where he belonged. Takato could only look on in terror as those warm, full balls slowly slid back towards his face. His throat was slowly being spread open again, so Guilmon could bottom his horse cock out deep inside. Takato started to yelp in protest, but it was quickly muffled when Guilmon shifted to lay back down on top of him. No! That overly eager cock tip was pressing right back inside his stomach! Couldn't this infernal bread eating monster just wake up and realize what he was doing to his tamer?

Alas, Takatos' squirming, whining, whimpering, and yelping had little effect. Whether Guilmon was asleep or not, it didn't matter much by this point. Those warm balls were helping to slowly settle the boy back into that dark, damp place. One that he'd have to grow familiar and comfortable with, sooner or later. Full of churning cum inside, loud and virile enough that he could not only hear but feel it against his eyes, and his covered nose as they pressed against his face. He hadn't even been able to acquire the fresh air he'd been hunting for, before Guilmon had fully seated himself back inside. Takato couldn't help but gulp, and swallow around his Digimons' thick horse cock, involuntarily milking it with his little throat.

Yes, squeezing around it with his throat made it a little easier to breathe for a moment. His weak little throat muscles would have to work hard to gulp around Guilmons rigid, flexing length several times, before he could get a faint whiff of precious air into his lungs. Air that was deeply tainted with the musk of that full sack covering his face, but air, nonetheless. Yes. If he could breathe, he would be okay. He could stay down here underneath his powerful, evolved Digimon, gulping and drinking from Guilmons cock for the rest of his life, as long as he could inhale a few more whiffs of that sweet, thick sack sweat. Yes. Just a few more hours, then Guilmon would certainly get up and allow him some reprieve. He could hold out that long, all he had to do was keep loudly swallowing around a warm Digimon cock. Yes. Swallow, gulp, drink. Then he could breathe, and that gave him the energy to keep swallowing. Yes.

The collar clicking around his neck was vibrating through his spine and making it even tougher to swallow at times. Why was it clicking anyway? Perhaps his Digivice was trying to reverse the effects on his Digimon? Yes, he need not worry. Since he was going to stay underneath Guilmon for a few more hours of his life any way, he might as well try to reattach his mouth gag to the contraption holding Guilmons thick sheath open. Yes. That would ensure he was safely and deeply nesting his face right where it should be. Despite his clicking collar making it difficult to press his lips any closer towards the sheath, Takato overcame the difficulty barrier, and with a satisfying 'click', was re-attached to the source of all that thick musk once again. He remembered he was able to open his eyes previously. His eyelids were once again able to overcome the sticky musk coating them, despite the addition of warm balls actively pressing against them. There was an insane need to get himself as close to Guilmon as possible. Yes. He could communicate his own desires if he milked him just a little deeper. His eyelids fluttered open against that warm sack, and their pure musk made his eyes water, just as they were pressed against by it. Guilmons hefty, full orbs now pinned his little eyes open, keeping him locked there, looking directly at, and inhaling from the source of the potent musk that was making his little head spin.

There was no need to escape this. What had he been thinking earlier? Why was he trying to get out from underneath Guilmon, when this new evolution would ensure that his Digimon could forever keep him fed, and warm? There was peace in the digital realm, and comparable peace in his own world, he could allow himself to fall from grace a little. Yes. There was no shame in this, it's not like anybody would even be able to see him underneath Guilmon. When the Digimon dutifully laid down on top of the little tamer, to cover his small body entirely, there was no indication he was trapped underneath, milking his horse cock. Drinking thick, musky, dirty fluids from a beastly animal cock. Choking and spasming around it involuntarily, like a good bitch.

Another flex, running the length of the rod that impaled his throat, woke him from his oxygen deprived dream state with a startling realization. What was he doing? He shouldn't be submitting like this. He tugged his head back reflexively, immediately emitting an exasperated grunt when he realized he had re-attached the mouth-sheath gag himself already. There was no escaping this. Ow, his eyes hurt! He couldn't even blink, his eyelids still pinned open by those warm, cum filled balls. Guilmon rumbled against him. He had felt those little eyelashes fluttering in frustration beneath him. A hot, potent surge rushed out from his churning sack, and down the length of the cock still lodged deeply in Takatos stomach. Takato shook his head, but it was no use. No! Please, he couldn't drink any more!

The incessant squirming underneath Guilmon had no effect, despite the renewed vigor that Takato tried to put into his fruitless effort. He could shift only closer towards the musk he was trying so desperately to escape from. It was futile. Distancing himself from these submissive thoughts was no easy feat, they seemed to constantly invade him and overpower his own will, always accompanied by the clicking of his collar. It wasn't as though there came an ever-present consciousness to overwhelm his own. Rather it seemed to pull from within him a constant urge he hadn't felt before. Something he couldn't explain, only that it felt right, to be trapped underneath Guilmon like this. A more eloquent individual might have explained to him that he was being dominated by something more powerful than him, and it was regressing his young, immature mind, as a reflex, so he could better serve his dominant mate. Yes. Of course. That's what this sheath gag was. That's what it represented. A ring. The kind one would slip over the finger of a bride or groom to signify eternal devotion. Yes. He could serve his Guilmon better like this. This was his purpose. Not to marry Guilmon, but rather to marry his thick, pumping horse cock. Right?

Takato was left without the vocabulary to explain his feelings, only momentary moments of clarity that gave way to conflicts within himself wherein he'd submit for a little while, then revolt, then submit again. Guilmon was all too pleased with this, there'd be times where his little cock sleeve would willingly gulp and milk around his cock. The rest of the time, it's not like he could go anywhere with that fancy contraption Rika helped attach to him. Involuntarily or not, he would be gulping and drinking whatever came pumping from that thick horse cock.

The throbbing in his little throat was becoming more intense. Finally, it flexed, spreading his throat wide. He couldn't breathe, instead delegated to simply gulping around his new husband. Loudly enough that muffled sounds echoed through his ears. His mind fluttered between desperate thoughts of escape, and perverse images of willingly getting on his knees, crawling underneath Guilmon and sealing his own mouth around that thick sheath to swallow whatever came out. He didn't need help to serve his husband. The warm texture of Digimon cock belonged inside his throat. Even as his throat bulged and squeezed around Guilmons horse cock, the little boy tamer was squirming at the thought of feeling his Digimons' cock tip sliding inside his throat for the first time all over again. Yes. He's married to this Horse cock. He would be a good cock-sleeve wife for him. He would tie himself to Guilmon with the help of that flaring cock tip pushing into his little stomach, and choke around it until he couldn't help but inhale from the musky sack covering his face.

His little stomach was so full that he heard it before he felt it. Guilmon was pumping into his stomach again, only this time the sound was different than last night.




Once again, Takato realized he couldn't breathe, and reflexively squeezed tightly around Guilmons pumping cock length. It flexed through him, delivering another thick spurt of cum directly inside his stomach, choking him with each flex. That in turn, only prompted even tighter squeezing by his little throat. His little arms fought against their bindings, but it was useless. He couldn't even squirm to move his shoulders. Takato was just a little condom for Guilmons cock, his little stomach just the reservoir tip at the end of the condom. He didn't deserve to go anywhere but here. Yes. He was meant to be wrapped around Guilmons thick horse cock and filled up. He was a living condom. It was a wonder his little eyeballs didn't melt from the musk and heat of Guilmons full balls pressing against them. Takato could have sworn he saw all the virile sperm just moving around, churning inside it. He couldn't move! Nhghnn!

How many liters of thick, heavy horse cum could Guilmon dump into his little condom? Those warm balls kept heaving, helping to pump the payload through the flexing cock meat keeping his throat spread open. Guilmon even lightly bucked his hips, gently grinding at first, and then softly slapping his full sack against Takatos little face with each light thrust. Just enough that it started to make Takato cry. He could see the outside world, so close. The blanket and pillow of Rikas bed! If only he could move his little arms! No, please! Don't slide that sack back against his face! Nhghnnn! He couldn't help but spasm underneath Guilmon, gulping involuntarily. Drinking thick horse cum directly from his Digimons' sack as Guilmon settled in again, firmly trapping the little cock sleeve against the bed. His little muffled whimpers, and crying, and gulping silenced once again with the warm presence of those full balls covering his little face dutifully. His stomach was so overfilled, spurts of it started spraying back up his throat, out of his little mouth, covering his tongue in the thickest, muskiest layer of cream yet. He could feel globs of it running down his face,being messily smeared across by Guilmons incessant grinding of that sack. Takato felt so insignificant here, all he could do was be a witness to the thick, dominating musk.

The lewd sound of Guilmons pumping horse cock, echoed throughout the room and hallway, every spurt filling in and mixing with the already dirty fluids inside Takatos stomach. Renamon would have been disappointed had she been there to witness it. It would have been Takatos first time tasting delicious, thick Digimon cum, and instead it was all being pumped directly inside his belly. He was having it easy. Guilmon was too excited by being fully inside his little tamer to care about the human need for oxygen or humiliating the poor boy by making him taste the fluids before swallowing them.

This was proof. Living proof that Takato was meant to be here, stuck underneath his powerful Digimon. His mouth and throat were just a little condom to wrap around the base of a thick cock, to milk it.

There was a pause in Rikas thoughts, for a moment she could have sworn she heard something down the hall, but Renamon was already pushing her paw against the door to firmly close it shut. Now she had to face the facts. Rika knew where this was going, and internally was already preparing herself to submit. Though, on the other hand, there was no rule that said she had to be alright with this. Even as Rika was still battling with herself, Renamon was already getting down to pick the girl up from the floor. This was no place for her to rest. Not when such good news lay ahead of them after just one more step.

"On your feet, Rika."

Her tamer was hesitant at first, only finally giving in when one of Renamons intimidatingly large paws reached for one of her little arms. Enough! She would rise to her feet on her own. She was only a bit nauseous, not a frail old lady incapable of standing. She would pass this test and would show Renamon just how fruitless the entire effort had been. Her mother would come home, and everything would return to normal.

Renamons was still standing behind her when those large paws immediately rested on her little shoulders, to help lift her. Rika started to turn her head to inquire where this was going, but Renamon pushed her up against the wall beside her. Slowly, those big paws moved lower, and wrapped around her little human hips. It was too late to duck out at this point, even if she wanted to. Those big paws could deftly tug up on her with ease. Her combined body weight was nothing in contrast to Renamons evolved strength, especially now that Rika had emptied her stomach. All of Guilmons creamy dinner from the night prior only a dreary memory, already flushing down the drain.

So, being pushed against the cold wall, slowly being lifted until her little toes could no longer reach the floor, little Rika was too out of it, she was still recovering from her nausea. This was only making it worse. Her little head hurt, and now Renamon was doing whatever this was supposed to be. Of course, it was only another opportunity to shame the little tamer. Renamon was only helping Rika spread her legs against the wall so that the warm vulpine sheath could press right between that gap from behind, and sensually rub against her vulnerable little human cunt. If only it were possible, Renamon would be invading Rikas little body with her tongue, as well as her cock. Those tight holes between her little tamer's thighs were too perfect.

She couldn't wait any longer. Her paws slowly allowed Rika to slide down the wall. For a moment, Rika even believed she was being released. She should have known better by now. Instead, the only thing that awaited her beneath, was Renamons unsheathing girl cock. Rikas little feet only just barely touched the ground, allowing her to stand on her tip toes while that threatening vixens cock tip pressed around between her little thighs and against her vulnerable cunt lips. Renamons warm paws remained firmly wrapped around Rikas small frame, despite her defensive wiggling hips. Just another quality that attracted Renamon.

This was rape. She was raping her tamer, her little Rika. She knew that, yet even so, this felt right. It needed to be done. Rika was overdue for this. Her little body was the perfect age, the perfect size. Her mind was in the perfect state to be broken down, to be made to accept a change in her life. In some secret ways, Renamon figured that Rika was already disappointed with humanity as it was anyway. There was no need to allow the girl to be subjected to the barbarianism of humanity, of planet earth. Those things would break her down much slower and more painfully that even Renamon was, but at least the method Renamon was using was more pleasurable.

After all, even Rika couldn't deny that when that warm, flexing girl cock started to spread her little cunny open and slide inside, that there was a moan she couldn't suppress. There came an intense, deeply sensual heat that immediately permeated her skin, and filled her body more so than the length Renamon was intent on burying inside her. Something about this closeness with those warm paws, that warm chest, those furred breasts pressing against her back. It was overwhelming her senses. Her fidgeting tip-toed stance wasn't holding up for much longer. Her legs were shaking weakly, and finally they gave out.

Renamon moaned into one of Rikas little ears just as Rika squealed in protest and sunk down on top of a flexing girl cock. There came that familiar sensation again, this nagging need, to stop resisting, to acknowledge that she belonged here, in Renamons arms, riding on her cock. Letting herself bulge with thick girl cum, is what was expected of her. Right for her. Her young human pussy fit perfectly around Digimon cock, she just needed to keep letting it unsheathe inside her. Renamon could softly huff and whispered into her little ears the whole time.

"This is where you belong, little Rika."

Rika had barely heard the words but was already mouthing them herself too. It was almost autonomous. This is where she belonged, Renamon was right. She didn't need to be in school, she didn't need to learn how to earn money. This would be her sole means of exchange from now on. Her body, for pleasure. Yes. She just needed to give in, allow her little body to bulge with breeding potential.

Those warm paws slid down from her little hips, and gripped her little thighs instead, using the added leverage to pull Rika up a little, and tug her over in front of the toilet again. Somewhere along the line, Rika had picked up the pregnancy test into her own hands. She knew where this was going, and it was obvious this had been Renamons intentions all along. As that warm, throbbing cock tip slipped up against Rikas little cervix once again, that flexing length seemed to intentionally pulse with pressure against her bladder. Renamon took the pregnancy test from Rika, and held it down in front of her, between her little legs.

"Piss for me, little Rika. We want to make sure you're knocked up properly, after all."

Rikas tears were already staining her cheeks a little. She didn't want to see any evidence of what she was dreading the most. At the same time, she was convincing herself to go along with this anyway. Just to confirm her hopes, that this wouldn't take, and that everything would go back to normal. She fidgeted a little longer, squirming, blushing and whining a little in protest against Renamon, trying to resist the growing pressure building in her bladder. Of course, her Digimon could easily sense this. As if on demand, her cock tip warmed up against the entrance to Rikas little womb, and started to spread it open with ease, then quickly began to slip inside. There, in the depths of her already soiled womb, the eager, rich, pumping and flexing motions of Renamons girl cock quickly became familiar to Rika again.

The soft spurts of thick, warm Digimon cum pumping inside her little womb were all that Rika needed to trigger her release. She squealed, covering her mouth with her hands just in time to for both to hear the lewd sound beneath them. Rikas little blushing cheeks felt as though they were on fire again. It wasn't encouraging anymore, to have Renamon so close to her, growling with lust into her little ears.

Another flex, another spurt of warm, virile girl cum, pumping right where it meant to. Arriving too late to do much good, the job already possibly having been accomplished by its brethren. For a little while, time seemed to disappear for Rika. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her eyes fluttering closed as she instinctively focused on the virile warmth pumping into her womb. Her hands stopped holding her mouth closed, instead descending to rub over the flexing bulge in her body. The distinct odor of urine floated around the edge of her senses, but she chose to ignore it. She just needed to focus on this heat, use her hands, and guide it deeper inside her. She could feel, that's where it needed to go. She needed to let thick globs of that virile girl cum pump right inside her Fallopian tubes. It couldn't be stopped.

In and out of consciousness, the poor girl. Likely still a symptom of the nausea and morning sickness that Renamon assumed her tamer to be suffering from. It was hard to feel sorry for her, when instead she was filled with excitement that Rika might finally be pregnant. Her efforts weren't for not. Success was but a stone's throw away, and all that. Though she had to be truthful, it had been a joy to ride this line of uncertainty together with her tamer. A small part of her wished the uncertainty would continue a little longer, just so she could keep teasing Rika about the future. It was undeniable that the extra element of breaking her down, made all this more exciting.

The lewd sound stopped, Rika had finished emptying her bladder unceremoniously over Renamons paw, and over the pregnancy test stick she was holding. Renamon tugged one of Rikas little hands away from her belly and gave her the soiled test stick. Despite her delirious state, Rika held onto it. Even squeezed it a little, keeping an eye on it, waiting for it to change, to tell her she was right. She knew she would be. There would be no way some digital creature could impregnate a human, no matter how real the physical sensations were. Renamon was merely an intelligent animal, she didn't share enough similarities in DNA to make this kind of genetic leap a possibility. Right?

Besides the thick cum filling her, doubt was making a return too. Renamon was pinning her naked, little form against the wall. In effect helping Rika to rub the bulge pumping inside her body, by trapping her remaining hand there, against it. Those warm paws easily supported her light weight and helped to softly keep grinding and fucking the little girl. Those furred hips easily able to push a nice, thick breeding cock between Rikas weak little legs.

"Relax little Rika, it's too late to resist now. Just let yourself be fucked, and raped~. We have to make sure, after all, don't we?"

Rika was already starting to cry again, retreating from the world was more difficult than usual. Her little body kept betraying her mind. Squeezing the invading cock, milking around it with a deep lust and intent that Rika was afraid was more genuine than she let herself believe. No! This couldn't be happening.

Renamon got on her knees beside Rika, putting herself at eye level with her diminutive human tamer. Despite it all, Renamon couldn't keep her eyes off Rikas cute little mound, even as her paws absentmindedly reached to the counter to grab the box with the instructions for the test, barely able to pull her eyes away to read it. The results were so close, before she knew it, Renamon was already pushing the box into Rikas other hand. Her eyes had already returned to staring at Rikas cute little underage cunny, which was leaking with fat globs of thick girl cum that hadn't been pumped in quite deep enough. Her warm paws could easily grasp and squeeze Rikas little rump, forcing Rika to squeeze her little legs together. They could both hear the wet 'squish' inside her body from that, and it squeezed out a few extra slimy ropes of girl cum as a result, dripping invitingly from her young pussy.

She couldn't resist. Her big paws softly molested Rikas cute little ass, forcing her to squeeze those cute little legs tighter together still. She had made a perfect little mess. Renamons big muzzle pushed forward, and without warning, licked her Rikas young, little pussy. Her tongue flattened out to accept as much of this young flavor as she could. The heat emanating from her tongue made little Rika whine as Renamon licked up and down over her mound, too. Then, finally down between those squeezing little thighs. Using her tongue to clean the messy little human was so delightful, each squirm bringing another little 'squish' to the forefront of their attention. It only excited Renamon even more. She could push her thick tongue right between those cute little leaking cunt lips, threatening to push inside. It made Rika squirm her rump in Renamons paws, which only made Renamon squeeze and molest her a little more roughly.

Somewhere amidst all this, Rika had nervously read the instructions on the box, and turned the stick over, waiting for the result to show itself. She was biting her little lips. How cute. Renamons thick tongue didn't wait for the secret to be revealed however, instead deciding to start pushing just a little more intently right there. Her little legs spread apart just a little, though Renamon put a stop to it with her big paws. For what she craved, Renamon wanted little Rika to keep her perfect little thighs tightly together. Keep her little bulging belly as taut and smooth as possible. Up there, deep inside her body, a life was undoubtedly already growing. Now all Renamon craved was to make the little girl cum at the thought, at exactly the moment it was confirmed to her.

There was a spot of time, where Rikas eyes were examining the little useless stick in her hands, that could be likened to the thought experiment by the name of Schrodinger's cat. A moment where she both was and wasn't pregnant. She couldn't bring herself to blink, for fear she'd miss the information she was looking for. Simultaneously, it was hard to ignore the invasive, warm tongue that Renamon was teasing her with. She shook her head, wiping the tears from her cheeks with her arm, and lowered her free hand to push against Renamons muzzle. Aahh~ That tongue! It knew what button to push. Right between the gap in her little thighs, it could softly push her cute, young little cunt open, just enough to push inside. Almost immediately acting like a stop gap for the pure volume of thick of cum inside her, trying to leak out, while also helping to push it back inside.

Rika started to squirm in Renamons grasp, her little rump trying to escape from their molesting warmth. She felt herself huffing and crying a little, her vulnerable body shaking against Renamon as that thick, wet tongue pushed deep enough to press buttons she didn't need to have pressed right now. She couldn't take this. Not now! Not right now! This instant demanded her attention, her eyes were both glued to the pregnancy test, and still unable to stop herself from looking down between her legs. There, her rapist, her sensually sweet vixen, was looking up at her, watching her. The words didn't need to be said, both of them could feel the little shivers going up and down Rikas spine.

Her little cervix squeezed around a non-existent cock, only instead further sealing in the thick cum that Renamon had deposited deep inside her womb. The shiver kept going, her skin tingled, the hair on her soft skin stood on edge. Her thick tongue wouldn't stop pressing! Hnngnnh! P-please! Her little rump shook in Renamons warm paws, which only maliciously squeezed and spread it in response. That warm muzzle between her thighs began to murr and vibrate with delight. Those little vibrations travelled all the way along that tongue, between Rikas little cunny lips, and inside. In a brief flash of clarity, right before her thighs clamped tightly around Renamons head, her eyes caught the lines forming on the pregnancy test.

No, no no! This couldn't be true. There was no way... hnnnhn~. Her little voice sputtered out in frustration and hopelessness.

"P-please! S-stop!"

The lines she dreaded. Her eyes glazed over as the tingling along her skin and shiver running up her spine came to a crescendo. Her little thighs clamped tightly around the yellow muzzle stuck so deep between her thighs, you could only see the eyes. She shook, her little body squeezed around Renamons' thick, squirming tongue. There was nowhere to go. She milked that tongue for all it was worth, cumming right on top of Renamons face in the process, matting her yellow fur and washing her taste buds with the young, vulnerable human flavor that only a little, underage, pregnant tamer could produce.

She had allowed it to happen. She let herself be impregnated. Right there, just a few minutes ago, in bed. Her defenses had caved, and her own imagination had betrayed her. The collar had clicked in securely even more so. Right at that moment it had felt though as though the lewd thoughts that had been pulled to the forefront of her consciousness for the past few days, faded all at once. The virile sperm she had imagined impregnating her ovum, had done exactly so, because she had imagined them doing so. She was alone, with nobody to blame but herself. She had let Renamon pump thick, impregnating cum into her vulnerable little womb. Measures could have been taken for protecting herself, or to be sterner with Renamon, even calling for help was an option. Instead, she chose to indulge, to allow herself to ride in Renamons lap. She let herself think everything would be fine, that Renamon wouldn't hurt her like this. That nothing could break their bond or soil her body like this. Yet, as she looked at the lines in disbelief, her fingers touching the pregnancy test as though in doubt of whether the object was real, she could barely bring herself to utter the words. She could taste the tears running down her cheeks and over her lips.

"I-I'm... p-pregnant."

Renamon and Rika: Taming Guilmon

In hindsight, getting to school had been the easy part. There would be no simple way to infiltrate an ongoing class without looking highly suspect. Being late was enough of a faux pas on its own, but to come inside, scented as she was? She could tug...

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Renamon and Rika: Breeding

"Good morning." Her heart lurched. Oh how she dreaded hearing that voice. A voice that gave her comfort before, now had a much different ring to it, despite the same, motherly warmth it seemed to envelop her in. It was impossible to even open her...

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Renamon and Rika: The Test

'Slurp' The established methods of waking up didn't apply here. If there was anything disturbing enough to wake up to, the sound of ones own snoring could qualify as being startling enough to send a shock to your heart. Her own hand automatically...

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