Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 2: The Black Serpent’s Wrath, the Black Unicorn’s Love, and the Golden Jackal
"buddy, i love you! be my love pup forever! please!" "i... i will be honored," buddy panted as he thrusted, "and i love you too. and please be my stallion."
A Rare Sight Ch.2-Unexpected Aquaintance
The taillow flew down next to buddy to get ready to launch his attack but buddy dodged at the last second.
My White German Shepherd
buddy stood up, went right to the bitch to lick all the cum that came out and start licking her insides. kevin claimed is turn. he went to the bitch and moved buddy away.
Even God Can Make Mistakes
You see, both buddy the man, and buddy the mule had one blue, and one brown eye! the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen!
More Than A Bargain
Quickly after, i heard carl's dog buddy trot toward the door to greet me. buddy was an extremely friendly dog and loved to be the center of attention.
Stray, chapter 2
I wagged mine back and said "hello buddy!". he started walking towards me, but as he did the other two dogs charged into the house, and buddy looked straight at them, growled really, really loudly, and charged at them.
Tale of the Winter Prince Final Chapter: Ever After
I smiled and pulled buddy and decland into my arms.
A Rare Sight Ch.8-Lights Please
She pointed at buddy lying on the ground. "buddy!!!!" tears began to form as i saw my three friends lying on the floor in pain. i started to hold buddy, trying to wake him up. "buddy, wake up! buddy!!!"
Murmured wishes in the locker room
He milks the last drops of cum out of his softening shaft and tip, massaging it as he whimpers in the bittersweet agony of what has just transpired between him and his team buddy.
A Rare Sight Ch.6-Reunited with the Fatass
Yellow balls started to form around dustox; the balls were quick, but buddy was faster. as soon as buddy landed and turned his head to dustox, the balls exploded right near buddy. "oh shit! buddy!!" i yelled.
Longing: Chapter 9
Ana paused for a moment to assess buddy's fashion sense; buddy was wearing a awful looking sweater that was striped green, red and white, topped with a button and attached scarf. buddy, while bobbing his head to the music, eyed her intently.
A Rare Sight Ch.7-A Fighting Chance
buddy starts to nip at my shirt. "not now buddy, we need to get this gym badge first." buddy then turns back his head, but now the man was gone. maybe it was all in buddy's mind.