Sun, Sand, and Incestuous Activities
It has only been a week since Wes' Uncle had come to visit, but it was already beginning to feel like torture. If there were any time to use the expression 'pushed from pillar to post', the past 7 days was definitely the time to use it. The teen...
after work activity 1.
After work activity 1 today is janusoberoths birthday, i hope you enjoy the stories my friend. pongo and perdy make friends while filming their movies at toon town studios and they learn the pleasures of being a swinger.
after work activity 2
After work activity 2 pongo and perdy are invited to join robin hood and marian at their castle later in the night. pongo and perdy sit back and watch the scene of the pups hiding in de-vil manor.
after work activity 3
After work activity 3 today the pups are not needed on set so with what skippy has told the pups the have their own fun.
after work activity 4
Pongo and perdy again visit Marian's swingers club and have fun with some humans too. it had been a long and hard day on the set for 101 Dalmatians. Nanny walks back from the barn after seeing the puppies off to sleep for the night. For...
Extracurricular Activities - Tutoring Session
Talash yelped softly in surprise as her palms were pressed against the heavily active bulge weighing the smaller lady down. it was such an odd sensation feeling alex's fur writhe and shift as it did.
Simple Beginnings: Nightly Activities
Nightly activities it was later into the night when a pair of foxes had come out to the beach to enjoy a little intimate moment together. the tod had his vixen laid on her back on the sand as he thrust mightily into her silky depths.
Fox's After-School Activities
Dashie, the little fox cub who was quickly becoming very popular in the school, Dashie, the little fox cub who was the result of a successful cloning experiment, Dashie, the little fox cub who's muzzle was currently filled with his principle's...
A Very Active Day Together
Nobody would notice that we had made that much of a mess, though it wasn't too hard to guess that me and tre'on were so far very sexually active. i wondered if that would persist until the end of our days together, be it soon or decades into the future.
Extracurricular Activities - Game Night
The grey kitsune leaned into the side of the big girl, rubbing her visibly active middle with a single hand.
Crystal Memories: Extracurricular Activities
She still milked mirana, but she was actively posturing to make sure she could keep the taur \*exactly\* where she was, and not on her table. "watch yourself there, boy! don't damage the merchandise."
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 57: Something That Has Never Lived (While She Was Away Part Three)
I have activity in the family room!" "acknowledged." arthur said to the cube. we crawled across the floor to peek into the other room across the hall.