New Beginnings Ch 17
blitzle had done the same thing liepard had done and both of them were barely visible as a number of the pokémon were using them like pillows and sleeping.
New Beginnings Ch 14b
He grabbed mothim's and purrloin's pokeballs, stopping when mightyena whimpered and jerked his head to blitzle's lone pokeball. "right! alyssa's out. thanks mightyena!"
Commission : A Shocking Tale of Sophocles!
The creatures long cock exited a male blitzle with a sickening pop, blood coated the enormous organ as the blitzle dropped to the ground.
PMD - EOM - Chapter 31 (X)
She failed however, just standing still as the male blitzle approached. it was plainly obvious that it was male, with the sizable equine shaft hanging under him.
PMD - EOM - Chapter 30
A bolt of lightning from blitzle forced her to jump back, setting it off. a cloud of thick pink, sweet smelling smoke burst from the trap, quickly filling the room.
Chapter 6: Differing Views
"You helped confirm my hypothesis about the slightly subtleties of Electricity that twist and turn in all sorts of directions. Perhaps we can have a chat later, if you're interested and have the time. I'll send contact detail to your agent and such....
Eager Fire 2: Catching Lightning
I smiled, scratching behind his ear, "see, having another teammate isn't so bad." ~~~ _i feel a little guilty having a mostly-the-same pose in this one, but i hope i made up for it with the blitzle!
The Best Little Pokémon Ranch in Kanto, Part 1
Despite the blitzle being much closer to her size than ponyta was to mine, it still seemed like i'd gotten the better end of the bargain.
Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 4
Aaah, but for that she had vellon, and hey, maybe even that blitzle. she should get some variety while she had the chance.
Mission for the F.E.C.
Graveler bounced blitzle up and down on his cock as he walked through the tunnel, enjoying the feel of her virgin cunt and the sounds of her soft moans. she didn't really understand what was going on.
Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.3)
Patricia then turned the photo fold to reveal a picture of all five current family members, sarah standing between her mothers while victoria held a young blitzle and patricia held a toddler-or-younger pidgey.
In for a Penny
She pressed further into the daycare's pastures, smiling at the flickering static of distant blitzle and having to remind a diglett not to let its tunnels destroy the pasture for the rest. and then she came to the second hiccup of her night: seviper.