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desmond and writing (c) me greg (c) fa: athelstan desmond pushed his mower across the last strip of tall grass.
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desmond's small anus was soon gouged by the shark's fingers. the fox squeezed june's hand and cried with worsening desperation. "please, please stop it," desmond whined. "aaron!" "don't," june quivered into desmond's ear.
Freddy Pimpbear's Pussy: Chapter 6
Ceeb's patreon "come _o-o-on,"_ bonnie cooed, feeling between desmond's legs. "one more time." desmond pushed his thighs together, trapping the bunny's demure blue paw. it was no deterrent to a strong animatronic, and he went on fondling desmond.
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. <:3c quote: [4:17:01 pm] desmond: ...huh [4:17:07 pm] desmond: a masseuse is only female [4:17:15 pm] desmond: i thought it was a unisex term x3 [4:18:25 pm] desmond: apparently male is "masseur" [4:18:41 pm] desmond: meaning all this time i've been asking
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"your name is desmond, correct?" "oh, yes," desmond answered. "it sure is. desmond lank-," he winced. still in the habit of using his old name. his egg donor's name. "desmond rasputin," he corrected.
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C'mon, i wanna eat you out," he urged, pulling desmond toward the couch. desmond whimpered. "i'm _really_ not comfortable," he moaned. lars pushed desmond onto the couch.
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Now he smiled, leaned closer to desmond. "and my dick has a knot on it. one she seemed to enjoy quite a bit, if i may add." desmond's cheeks reddened.
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desmond snapped, grabbing kitt by the hips. with a firm heave, desmond pulled the foxcat down, forcing his ass to crash into the bed - and desmond's face by extension - with meteoric force.
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Freddy flopped his dense, flaccid cock against desmond's shoulder. the boy flinched and squeaked. a bead of synthetic yet severely musky pre drooled onto desmond's lapel. "what the fuck, freddy? save it for the customers," desmond pouted.
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"do you feel like i'm preying on you, desmond?" she seductively growled into his cheek. "mmh, maybe," desmond shuddered. he glanced down.
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As suddenly as it had happened for desmond, the deer grunted and came. he pushed inside of desmond as deeply as he could go and shot deep inside of the twink. desmond's first instinct was to gasp.
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Gradually, desmond defied the chozo's snug anal ring and raven beak grunted with satisfaction. his anus pinched desmond's tongue, but with just the tip inside, desmond had an easier time of working it deeper.