Commission: Laughing Stocks

Returning from his long solo quest loki is welcomed back into the warband by his friends who have set up a very special surprise for him. what could it be?

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She shoved them back and raised her voice to the entire warband. "ten more circuits, on the double! one, two, three, four! one, two, three, four!"

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North and South Chapter 10: Kia He Pt. 1

It's certainly possible she learned it by observing the warbands, whom she expressed admiration for," said jora. "she once said to me, that a unified fighting force of kommo-o warbands would make for a deadly army...

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Deliverance - Fate of the Herd Chapter I

The warband leader gave me a nicker of respect, even as his eyes blazed. "nice fighting little colt. it is a pity to have to kill you.

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Bors: A Warmaster Jack Novella part Two

Kett and his warband were waiting in the tunnel for our signal. paw might not send it, but i'd already decided i would.

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Condensed Biographies: Prince Azazel, part one.

In his youth, he was particularly well known for his defiance against his father and the organisation of his own war party - the sons of azeroth - as a means by which to compete against the superior forces of the phoenix warband, his brother's own group of


Special Missive

If his damned warbands were more efficient, maybe he could actually achieve something. windtalon sighed again. the warband barracks were pretty much empty since most of them had already left for their own duties.

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[TWI] Light

It seemed, as if this village was a rest for warbands on their way north and she saw camps close to the village, directly next to the forest, of three warbands.

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Bors: A Warmaster Jack Novella Part Three

A spit warrior is part of a warband - anywhere from three to five warriors, they have a tent in common, and sows in common.

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Voyage of Redemption

Grow into a leader of a male warband. you would take a wife and lead your people to victory. is this not what you were taught?" tenderpaw shrugged apathetically and chewed on her jerky. she hadn't paid attention to much warband stuff in her village.

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The Book of Warlock 6. Confliction of interest.

He stood and watched as the warband collected everything up that they needed for the day ahead of them, and they all began to load up the wagons. they would be on the road again, today.

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Radan Dubhach: Glory Days Part Two - Commission for Citizenbane

A raucous cheer rang out around the warband as goudazola resumed fucking the goat-thing. the rest had looks of horror on their faces, how much longer must they endure? "beast-thing need to be taught their place!"

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