A Twist in the Coils

A massive and tall waterfall burst out of the side of the mountain cliffs at one end of the lake, supplying it with fresh water at all times, and there were thousands of fish swimming through the lake, so aquatic species would have absolutely no problem finding

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Kiss of the Kraken

Equipment was strewn about, allowing for the study of marine species and the water they inhabited. there were also systems for studying the impact of weather and longer term trends. noen opened the bag and fished out black and gold metal can.

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Where Angels Fear

I get the night vision and the sharp sense of smell, plus the advantages of avian and aquatic species, but leaving a fruit-flavored tranny fluid getaway trail? it's just not something the human mind can quite grasp until fed the information.

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Cheater: Part Two

_ _"he's won every year for the past 6 competitions, but now he's got a formidable opponent in the form of not even aquatic species. can he take his position once again?"

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Fin-looking things sticking out of the back of the helmet reminded haru of an aquatic species.

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Intermediate Species Studies - Chapter 9 - The Marine Park by Night

Wenceclas was back there and introduced him to his co-workers, most of them aquatic species like himself, and they took him to the large tanks in the back where the dolphins lived. the front one was where they went for the show a few times every day.

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A Slippery Slope - Part 5: Linnaeus' Enthusiasm

Ever since the isa had made their decision, other aquatic species (mostly dolphins) now practiced alongside the otters. and that's when petzl and his crew had showed up in lin's daily life, ruining everything.

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Lost & Found ~ Of Loss and Discovery

He swam out to the legendary coral reef, home to a multitude of aquatic species only seen here. diving under the water he saw more colours than most people could dream into existence.

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New Holes

Vigar stepped up closer to the hanging male, hands outreached to slip behind meran's back, fingertips gliding across his green flesh, "we're an aquatic species, but not one with gills, since we're mammals, right?

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Siriel's Exile to Wonderland Chapter I

I think the only kind of people i had really not gotten a look at myself were aquatic species people. now, seeing this human before me i really felt nothing different. "master siriel, it is a pleasure to meet you.

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