The Tender Heart 3-Reunion
"Thank you, Jayde..." He looked up at the vixen and smiled softly, sitting forward in his chair while he put down his fork onto the spotless plate in front of him. "You're welcome." He used the dark-colored napkin to wipe his muzzle off from the sauce...
Learning to Swim - Part IV
Ilaria sighed as Iolvin's jeep rolled up to a red light that notoriously took forever to switch cycles. A part of her was simply frustrated with being late for work, but the bulk of Ari's brain was focused on the reasoning behind her tardiness. She...
The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 3
Once Flamedramon was inside he knew he only had a few minutes. He quickly wiped the saliva and slit fluids from his groin, cleaned his muzzle tip, and popped a breath mint. One moment to take a deep breath, let it out, and he headed out to the bar...
Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 3
Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 3 Fox had no luck finding work for his team. He also made reservations at a nice restaurant, and ordered new supplies for the Great Fox, which was currently in dry-dock in orbit. In the after noon, he went back to his place and...
Age of Cataclysm: Book 1-Chapter 51
Apologies for the later upload than usual, but I come with two updates instead of one. In the last installment, I said the that it and the upcoming chapter is just porn without much of story advancement, if any, and I said that you wouldn't have to...
The exciting life of a virgin porn star #3
"So, how do you like being the center of attention? And how was it _getting_ some attention?" Sal cooed at his smiling friend who couldn't sit still. "It was. I-I can't even put it into words, it was so. Invigorating!" Peter started clutching at...
Kissing Cousins
-o- it was a bit cramped inside the privacy booth; it was more in the style of a telephone booth than a restaurant booth.
Ravenous Rendez-vous
The snow leopard and his tiger companion had chosen to rendez-vous, for no more reason than boredom and free time. They sat in a corner of the café, the swirling light brown on the chocolate-painted wall complimenting Dante's spots in a way that Chase...
Welcome to the B.U.S.T. Club - Episode Four
**Welcome to the B.U.S.T. Club** **Episode Four: Welcome to the Gym** This series contains copyright characters from a number of different series by a number of different companies and they are all copyright their respective owners. All characters...
Louder Than Words
He remembered, a few years ago, they had sex in a restaurant booth right before closing time. the old library, too, yeah. and now this? it was a pattern! "ketchy and kody have done it in here," the bat insisted, not denying it.
Learning to Swim - Part XXV
"we'll be right back, guys" as the others squeezed into a restaurant booth iolvin helped adrian along towards the bathroom, pausing to note, "get us some iced teas, lulu?"
Colorful Vacation
--1 "I can't believe we did this - look at how nice this room is," Salem said. He dropped his bag on the floor and practically skipped up to the windows, on which the curtains were already drawn back. So many stories up, the busy city sprawled out...