My Curse

Kri'a picked up a small silver bell that was sitting on the table next to her and rang it. the door to the kitchen opened and a line of servants came out, carrying platters and dishes which they placed on the table.

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Exploring New Things

Quickly eyeing up the contents of the room, a jeweled reflective mirror, a silver comb on top of a marble desk, many accessories and golden cups and platters strewn about, with a small alcove coated in the remains of burned down wax candles.

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The Bargain - 1

His hand was moving, almost of its own accord, to lift the ornate silver cover from the platter in front of him; his stomach rumbling as his nose, and then his eyes, filled him with a hungering for the roast pork on the plate in front of him._ _the whole

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The Dragon and the Kit (The Complete Roleplay)

There is a brief conversation with an unseen servant, then the master returns with a large serving platter covered with an oval, silver dome. he sets the tray by the rim of the tub and enters on the opposite side of the kit.

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A Night Out, A Night In - Chapter 10 : Ringtail Ale

This time, issibel had returned with him, with a rather large platter bearing a number of frosty mugs and steins, and plates of appetizers.

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A Bitch and his Master

"but enough of that" he said as he sat himself down in his very large and ornate looking office chair.

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The Dragon In The Dungeon: Rise With The Sun

With a flat knife, she removed the flatbread and laid it out on a wooden platter. she basted it with more sauce before placing the grilled fish atop the crisp bread. she set the platter before alia and vatch.

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Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 11

€" a platter of fries, and those things you like, the ring-things, what are they called again?" "onion rings, please."

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Changes of heart: Ghosts

Indeed, the silver, unadorned hilts of two knifes stuck out from the pup's belt, one on each side. they were set for quick drawing, khan noted with a smile.

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"Cielo 69" (M/M Anthro Dragon Sex)

A checkered coffee sat in front, with a silver platter of some confectionaries and a bottle of wine with some fine china glasses.

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