
Well above asgore's rather dignified release, knelle groaned like a whore and kept riding him as if he were a show pony. "ooh, _yeah!"_ he mrowled, arching his back, jerking himself off harder and harder. "oh, aw, _fuck,_ you're filling me up!"

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Chapter 11

"show pony," the clocked man said with a sigh, shaking his head. his voice cut through the entire crowd, even though it was still soft, and everyone's attention was on him instantly. "oh right, almost forgot buddy. sorry!

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Generous Contributions

"now i'm gonna ride you like a fuckin' show pony, kid. let's see that prick!" david still hesitated, and garret took matters into his own hands, brusquely opening up david's fly with his big, grubby fingers.

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Making a Perfect Match - Chapter 2

pony hair and tail which was wavy and blonde, cream fur that ran across the creature's form and even the same white markings down along the front, one of the things that was different was her attire.â normally, not during school, she would be wearing

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No one likes to go first

Once all the tedious announcements about fairness were over, each pony had pledged to follow the rules and regulations associated with such an important event, and the various show-ponies had finished their amazing opening performance, maverick was led out

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To Boldly Hoof It Ch 17. The Battle (part 2)

Cutiemarks came about long ago simply to show a pony's natural special talent or personality trait that they had, in order to show ponies that there was something special about them, but then the plot hole began changing things, and ponies forgot the cutiemark's

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Night of the Mare

He led lilac with ease, and at the sight of the stump she knowingly trotted a quick about-face like a show pony, delighting tib with her grace. standing on the stump, tib held lilac's hips and he snorted like the stallion he longed to be for her.

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His Ex's Ranch (Commission)

"hmm...i guess i'll be making you a show pony. course, can't decide that unless i see how good you look." untying the rope from the wall, she pulled it taut to keep him closer, "come on now, gotta pretty up that face of yours."

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