Pride goeth before a fall

But there was a postscript which caught my eye. 'your cousin and his fellow pilot have been awarded the victoria cross for their selfless decision to engage a numerically superior enemy, knowing that in likelihood they would not survive the encounter.

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Epilog -- Famous Last Words

Truthfully, my intent is for this to be more like a letter to you, a postscript to this... well, "novel" is probably the right word, except that it isn't actually fiction. this happened to me, to all of us, as nearly as we can bring the story to you.

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The Life and Death of August Corcoran

The script was rigid, certainly as stiff as the postscript implied the writer might have been upon its writing, but it was unmistakably the very same writer as whom lance had dubbed the first in the other book, underneath that nervous twinge.

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The Club of Wolves (working title) ch1-2

The re before the postscript, the topic line, all of it. "re: job application." i muttered to myself, "relious evvasanctum." there was that same shift in the world, that unmentionable change that sent a small shiver down my spine.

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My Gym Partner's Bro Tends The Privates (Part 4)

Upon doing so, i'll edit out this postscript. my gym partner's bro tends the privates part four.

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Shy Lover

.'** **with love** **lura** **ps: this is drudy's postscript. don't tell lura i added this! you're both having a foursome with us when we get back. better eat plenty!

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Jahaliya: The Play Games Pt 2

Wincing, sawchuck took the scroll and noticed a handwritten postscript in delicately firm calligraphy by the royal seal: "sawchuck, please do not think i am bluffing, and thank you for caring.

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The Bound Ones Final Draft: Rage and Retribution

Maybe a reminder, a postscript, or on the back . . . ? rhys held his muzzle, eyes wide between the cracks of his fingers. nothing. of course nothing. why would there be anything?

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Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 14

Zerrex nodded, and the predator saluted quickly before walking past, the drakkaren glancing down at the note: it said almost the same thing on it, but also included a postscript that read: ‘feel free to come find us at any time: alexis has returned to working

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My Gym Partner's Bro Blazes Down (Part 2)

David, captive in the beef of will's core as it rose with deep inhaling, set a postscript to josh's answer. "i bet he gives like no other, will... knows your taste so well it never leaves his head."

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Six Ribbons

._ ===================================================== postscript now for the tl/dr part. i am an australian, which means a lot of things. one of them is growing up with the past of our country, or at least the bits we acknowledge.

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