Saturday, Dedicated to the God of Cycles of Violence and Revenge who Devours His Children, but Also of Harvest and the Lost Golden Age
echoes fall silent, even in this town. the smoke begins to clear, at weary last. and voices in my head are fading fast, for even ghost towns crumble, in the end.
Echoes of Titan: Chapter 1
#1 of echoes of titan hello everyone. it's been a darn long while, but i'm back again with this first installment in what i plan to be a short series.
Dust and Echoes - Part XII
The final major chapter to dust and echoes is upon us! there's a very meaningful epilogue coming next, so don't throw it aside as something like flavor text! :u this was a really fast write.
Dust and Echoes - Part XI
She looked up to the edge of the tower's main platform and beamed out an echo of her frustrations. «i hope you and carbon can hurry up, lil' bro! dee's hurt and we're dead in the water without you!» !
Dust and Echoes - Part X
Then with an echoing 'chock!' the shotgun blew away the alien's cloaking. sadly the hit only stunned the yangurran, a small kinetic barrier emitter flickering as it recharged. "not bad, terran. i have never needed to use this protection before."
Dust and Echoes - Part IX
This new chapter starts the third and final arc of dust and echoes. things are about to ramp up rapidly, but the start of this arc needed to be handled properly to set the foundation of a good final push.
Dust and Echoes - Part VI
"Are you... almost...?" Carbon flipped a lock of Zoë's hair over another and tugged the overlap tightly. "Just about, hon. Pass me that other clip?" Iolvin shook his head with a smile as he placed the requested twist barrette into Carbon's awaiting...
Dust and Echoes - Part V
«just around the corner, i sw--» the rest of that sentence echoed through a doorway as ilaria apparently was shouting her thoughts. "--ear! gods... hah... we're here..."
Dust and Echoes - Part IV
It took a while, but dust and echoes keeps moving forward! this chapter took a lot of pain and anguish to write, quite literally, so it was delayed due to personal issues.
Dust and Echoes - Part III
"Oui?" Ilaria ducked down a bit so the camera on Carbon's front door could clearly see her face. "The Major called us up. Said now was fine to have a talk." "Greetings Madame. Ah, and vous frients az weel. Monsieur Carbon eez waiting." Fleur opened...
The Pride: Echoes of the past. Asani
"Dad! Dad!" Asani cried out, rushing over to his father. Jecha smiled watching his little son bound toward him. "What is it son?" He asked eagerly, lending an ear to the boy. "Dad you should have seen it! This butterfly totally tried to get away, he...
Dust and Echoes - Part II
"Alright, ladies! Up and out in ten!" Lilith clapped her paws and slapped her tail against a wall loudly to suddenly drive everyone awake, but paused for a moment when she looked down to the hare in her lower bunk. "Oh, sorry Car. You know I don't...