Kiddnapped By My Ex!
The last thing I knew I was walking down the road when somebody put a rag over my nose then everything went black. I woke up slowly after that to find myself in a dark room with a stone floor. My black, rabbit body was cloth less; whoever had...
More laughter ensued, the two filled with simple elation. when his laughter subsided, oliver spoke. "you're so gorgeous, mel" he said, his smile audible in his slightly shaky voice.
Shouldn't have felt excited for her......
She laughed it out oh god you are so cute let's have lunch together fuckboy fuck those guys.
The Boy Next Door
The evening drew in on that mild, early-spring suburban night - like the sudden and close embrace of a set of freshly donned - yet air dried - pyjama bottoms; as Spangle hopped off of the road bike that he used to get himself to and from work, he too...
Tage im Juni - ENTDECKER (2) - Ger
**TAGE IM JUNI** # Entdecker ## - 2 - Jannik wanderte verträumt den schmalen Weg entlang und erspähte im Vorgarten einen rotbefellten Schweif zwischen gelben Gräsern. Er hielt darauf zu und der fuchsige Rest tauchte auf, samt Kopf mit...
The Beast called Nightmare Part 4
He sighed and laughed. "so i don't care who wins this little game" he laughed "when i can have everything!" alex threw up his hand yelling "avalon!" a clear glass shell jumped before the crowd blocking them from the rain of gun fire that just begun.
The Transformation Chapter 8
He turns over and pulls me with him making me yelp with surprise and laugh at how cute he was wanting me to be on top of him. i make-out with him for hours on end, loving everything about this situation. i shiver and whimper. "daddy i'm cold."
The Beast called Nightmare Part final
The young rat recalled his training under nightmare and laughed to himself. "then stop trying to hit me and hit me" he said sidestepping another swing.
A Big Situation Handled Well
Qhala allowed herself an almost evil laugh. "that's _exactly_ what i'm banking on," she said. still with her hand snaked down the poor rabbit's sweat pants, qhala clutched bare cockflesh and squeezed it in her soft fingers.
Cum or die <3
He yelled crying she just laughed it away, ''you may hate me but i love you!
Returning home
Jenna says while she laughs smoothly. kodi's eyes open completely and he looks with surprise at his mother. she laughs seeing the face of surprise of her son. "do you know it?" kodi asks looking at jenna.
Third day
They all laugh seeing this, balto feels pleased and enjoys the heat of the seed in his entrails.