Scent of a Rose
Slowly his face inched closer and closer to the disgusting, smelly socked paws in front of him.
A Bitch In Her Bowels
"shut the fuck up you disgusting cow! i don't need apologies from a fat fucking slob like you!" bethany was becoming incensed, her face growing manic. "i'll make sure everyone sees how fucking disgusting you are!
After The Buffet
She chewed down and started to swallow her mouthful, and it was instantly refilled by another wave of her mother's disgusting stomach contents.
How Bratty and Catty Stole America's Presidential System
"you're the black disgusting plague of a sewer-dwelling rat!"
Chapter 2: A Test of Wills
As expected, mabel's face drew up in disgust and horror. "gosh, every time i hear about poképhilia i'm just horrified!" that was about the response i expected.
Parasitic co-dependency » Chapter 5 - In which Lusamine reminisces and tortures her daughter (Mother daugher incest)
_this_ thing, as it should rightfully be called, was a disgusting, revolting parody of love, their tongues like two anacondas fighting each other.
Blackmail on Holiday
I'd been so close to falling asleep, just at the cusp of unconsciousness where dreams tangled with reality. The noise that roused me was strange and unfamiliar, a low rhythmic huffing, but when that huff turned to a moan my eyes opened. They came...
Asuka the toilet slut part 3
Misato taunted, as she would give a playful spank at the diaper, making a disgusting squishy noise come with small whimper by rei following shortly behind.
"The Perfect Spell 2" - Story by Kaz
This was commissioned by senerus, the disgusting dragon! ? warning ---- smegma/xtreme filth ahead!
Underfoot Fetishtale
Bratty shuddered, sticking her tongue out in disgust while mostly everyone else did the same.
Doodle Story: Frontal Assault
Then he shut his eyes and sighed nonchalantly, not even disgusted by what just happened. "i probably should've expected that by now..."
Russian Affair Ch.2 - Punishment
He couldn't even listen to the first few minutes of this disgusting act before he ran off in disgust. iwanov tried to comfort his friend while talking to maxim in secret.