City Dogs (Feral, Musk)

"fuck... i guess we both needed this, huh, boy? here, let's see how ya feel about this." he raised the canine cock a bit, bringing it close to his snout and examining the length, taking a cursory sniff of the stale feral musk.

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Striped Attraction

Or will they throw themselves into some extra sloppy nearly-public back-alley sex and breeding on the spot? my money's on the latter. a quickie shipping story, reintroducing kalypso, the big-busted fat-dicked stripper-assassin milf!

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The Boxer Rebellion

If i see you diving in our rematch you won't get a little back alley fuck off me, i will kick they mother fucking shit out of your cocky body, break all your knuckles and make damn sure you never step in the ring again.

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To Be a Princess

What kind of princess fucks in an alley!" "fuck the royal fuck bucket!" "all hail the jizz queen!" "mmm... you have pretty mouth-" melody suddenly looked up to hear a cheer or catcall not just for malena.

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Rivet's Dog Days

They both just started fucking me with no real regard for my comfort or pleasure, this was a quick alley fuck to get themselves off, nothing more. was this planet corrupting me, or had i always been so into being degraded and objectified?

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He gulped, "and you've been caught with your pants down in alleys fucking bounties more times than anyone can count." all of which was more-or-less true, but of course no one ever said it to his face.

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The Huntress of Pleasure 2 - The Wildspire Wastes

But inevitably, they'd lost a lot of steam when she fired back with some even more lurid suggestions of her own, and several had crept away muttering about 'traps' - while others had stuck around for somewhat-perplexed but clearly consensual back-alley sex

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I kind of look more like the a back-alley sex change than a centerfold." "sara!! don't--" "oh, it's fine." she grinned. "i'm not completely serious. i wouldn't honestly put it like that. that makes me sound mopey, which i'm not.

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Meet the Illusionist

He was about to reject the offer, but was cut off by one of the fleeing criminal, his shout echoing throughout the alley: "fuck yourself, zoroark lover! we'll see you again and we'll cut you real good!"

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Three Loves (OLD)

They were, indeed, nothings; they made very little sense outside of the context of hurried, back-alley sex, and they promised no affection or loyalty to saul - they simply assured the skunk of what he already knew, which was, of course, that he was the finest

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