An Imposition
Impmon had been as patient as he could manage. He'd followed Gogglehead as he'd lead Pineapplehead to the shed for bed. It was nauseating how much the human babied his Digimon, but he aimed to change that. Crouching in the branches near the shed, he...
Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.15
History [][][] Out of the woods came...a hawk dragging a sled stacked high with wood. The hawk turned it's head to look around, saw the heavily armed group in front of it, and squawked in fear. "Don't shoot!" Rena cried out, pushing Tom's...
Sleeping Diamond -4- Maiden's Choice
As reluctant as takato can be he breathed deeply and spoke, "i am takato matsuki, i am 17 years old and the tamer of a digimon named guillmon whom we form gallantmon crimson mode."
Sleeping Diamond -3- New Found Faces
She agreed to it but knew too little about housekeeping, as she admits to that, takato matsuki, another tamer, was invited and was asked to help with her.
The Last Surprise. (The Big Surprise Continuation and Finale)
Finally, she focused her thoughts together and came up with a decision. She looked over to Renamon and approached her to give her a small hug, careful not to show off more of what she wanted to and then stepped back with the modifier in hand, "I'll do...
Renamon’s Park Adventure Prt. 2
takato matsuki was a young human boy sitting up against the large tree wearing nothing but his yellow-rimmed goggles and yellow wristbands with renamon in his arms.
Sleeping Diamond -6- All For You
matsuki as he could feel the atmosphere tense.
DGM 5.1 Kapitel 1-3
Oben angekommen ging er zielsicher ihn den endfangsbereich, wo er schon von weiten sah das es sich bei den ersten um takato matsuki handelt.
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 39 Part 2 of 2
matsuki ([\_matsuki]( - 4 terriermon ([]( - 2 an additional series of votes!
Renamon and Rika: Taming Guilmon
Takai, takashi, takato matsuki, here we go. socks, shoes, yep those make sense. what else? bagged lunch, even though the school covers lunches. mostly bread, probably for guilmon now that she thought about it. no digivice, damn it.