Chronicles of Cody: The Beginning

It still had both of its darkwood oars. mocha smiled as she filled the tub with hot, soapy water. cody was surprisingly nice and funny, despite his whole life changing in one day. the two of them seemed to get along almost perfectly.


Carried Away- Part 3

In the center was a large darkwood desk that seemed to have everything one would need, monitors, printers, three different phones and some things the cheetah didn't even know what they were.

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Centaurus Chapter 8

His voice was like planed darkwood and rich coffee. "welcome to our humble establishment, what can i do for two as radiant as yourselves. adventurers right? you have the look, and you, you're the captain i would assume by your incredible presence."

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Feeling hate-energy filling her body she stood up out of the couch and flung her hand out, scattering powder across the darkwood floor. "stop fucking around! i came here for penny's book, you dumbfuck conniving bitch, now give it back!"

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Sent Kobold Chapter 9: Kobold's Lair

It's a darkwood shield, so you won't have to worry about the weight and it's tough, really tough. i didn't have enough time to get it enchanted, but it'll help keep you safe all the same."

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The Night Blades

The cleric charged into battle, turning blows on his darkwood shield or his mailed arm, then responding with deadly force.

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book Two - "Atlantis"

"muraco... have mr darkwood contact starbase command and inform them about your "modifications". let's see if they can work around them first..." "but captain... i...."

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The Rune Tapper: Part II Murderous Reprisal

Unlike the darkwood and the endless web, the shifting sand didn't have nearly as many predators, although word of giant sand wyrms and other unconfirmed creatures were rumored to be seen from those traveling by the coast, no one could confirm that any of the

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Havem Multiversal Collective

Ancient darkwoods: a vast forest which defies the laws of physics. when seen from a bird's eyes view, it clearly stretches a few miles... but when inside, it's longer and more spacious than anything seen outside.

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