Project X (pt 1)

"oh my god its beautiful foxtrott yes, yes ill marry you \*sniffle\* i love you so much you've made me the happiest man in the world. "will you do me the honor of taking my virginity \*sniffles and smiles."

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That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 9: Painful Memories: No Longer In My Mind, Only Happy Memories! (Part 4)

------------------------------------------leon------------------------------------------------- 'oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. hes paw is on my shoulder. wait why am i freaking out about this? im not gay.. i should hit him..

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The Woodland Visitor Ch 4: Family Ties

I heard amanda gasp and brenah said, "oh my god. is this true?" sienna nodded and held me tight. amanda was the first to react. she grabbed sienna and hugged her. "oh my god, i'm so happy.

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Sasha's Friend

"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," maddy moaned, one paw working her nether regions furiously as the other slid down sasha's wet cockhead. "sasha, what's going on..." sasha just moaned lustfully and pushed forward, until hir legs straddled maddy's.

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 9 (Book 3)

"my god. what are you saying." "ashleigh, listen here." "oh my god! get off me." "hey, listen..." "and for how long?" "that's not important." "it is." "i don't know. nearly a year?" "my god." "i'm really sorry."

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When Jumping To Another Dimension

"oh yeah, oh my god felicia." moaned kogenta getting excited. "kiss me, sexy." moaned felicia sounding like a moaning whore.

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Voodoo is not a joke, kids

...oh my god. ann did this to me; her dark goth girl powers are real! i need to make sure never to piss her off agai- ow holy flaming cow turds!!

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Chapter 1: Settling In, Pt. 3 - The Fruzzin!

"oh my god _what_. you?! _you're_ the one they dormed with bayno?!" she turned to face kavik head on, her face lit with joy. "oh my god, kavie. do you know what this means." "w-wait, what? you know him?" kavik asked.

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Mia's House

"oh my god, he's really doing it, oh my god!" her cries ended in a short, high-pitched shriek when angel's thrusting finally paid off, and he managed to push his cock right into her tight hole.

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The Call of the Sea

" god..." she whimpered, hugging me tightly, "do you know now? please. remember..."

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xscash23/AKA/ryan part 2

She be biting would be torn to nothing but right as i was approaching my friend danny comes in my house with out knocking saying, "hey ryan mind helping me with my....oh my god!'