Doggie Treats
**Doggie Treats** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ _ _ _Please note that this story contains explicitly consensual erotica between an anthro and a feral. All are intelligent and consenting, clearly written as...
The Treetop Inn - Chapter 8
Once it was finished, smokey lifted hir phone to dial, then speak on it. "so you gonna pay me now?" the skunk asked rudely. "just a moment.
Earth's New Masters Chapter 26 Gofer's Tale Part 14 Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace?
A couple of days later my Master Woden decided to throw a party. I had to set up tables, chairs and coolers out around the pool area. I figured out that the party was for the other Sheps that went on "The Hunt" to capture ferals. The good point was...
The Second Law - Part IX
Niishal closed his eyes for a moment, so he might speak with his veile more clearly. «why... ugh, why should this cube even be built? what purpose does it serve? what in xor's realm does he care so much?»
A Return to When We All Lived In The Forest Chapter 4: Speaking With The Scientist, Making A Trip To The Mall, Grasping at Gryphons, and Fighting Feral Tendencies.
I slowly turned around and let out a growl as i tried to get my canine muzzle to speak then finally said in a gruff voice i hardly recognized as my own "we both smell a female in heat.
The Second Law - Part VIII
«oh, you speak of this? i don't understand this one, and neither does my veile. we don't recognize the yangurra.» «that's carbon's father. that exact same memory is in carbon's ætir.»
Role Reversal
Wolf speaks. leon sighs. he knows he'll be dragged into this, kicking and screaming anyway. "count me in." he speaks. "it's settled. we'll leave at dusk." fox speaks.
Character list for my story.
Can speak human or use aura to speak telepathically. -amber the ninetails - white as a new snow, except for her deep-amber eyes and black tail-tips. she joined mark after an incident in cerulean city in kanto.
Escape into Dragon's Love Story I of III of the Dragon's Love Trilogy
"yes name is kia, or atleasts that is what others of my kind call me." she speaks in her mind to me. i concentrate for a moment and speak to her, the words in my mind. "thats a nice name." i mind speak.
Calmer Heads
The druid speaks from the floor, she smiles and looks to me, "oh i was coming today to speak with your hunter. then i heard how this woman feels she is not getting true justice."
Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 14)
He can speak again! "_adam._" latias started "_you can speak again!_" "_finally. you won't have to worry about that now._" "_what do you know? he can speak now._" "_well at least you can speak again._" "_yay! he can speak again!
Bet Your Life: Part 1 The "Rules"
speaks shadow, and bound by the commands the bandits have to comply. the three of them giving all their property to the fur. shadow smirks and stands back up as he and his sister put on the cloaks. as they begin to walk away the group speaks up.