Life's a Witch, then you Fly

She would be better off as a fly, mating with the millions of other flies buzzing around the rot and decay of the dumpster. she already looked and smelled at home among the buzzing insects, so why not fit personality to form?

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On The Couch

In truth the evolutionary principles behind the similarity were nearly the same; before dragons had lost the ability to fly, mating had generally occurred in the air.

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Flying Mile High Chapter 23

If you can help me keep our lovechild, and will wait for me when i am taken off the plane...then i couldn't give a flying fuck what has happened to you, short of you being some sort of convicted pervert!"

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Chapter 19: All you need is love...

"personally, i don't give a flying fuck about their opinions, but scott sees it differently. i know it upsets him a lot, and i try my best, but there's only so much i can do about it.

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Halcyon University 5 - Epic Rescues

"then how in the flying fuck are we going to get cresselia here?" froslass tapped on my shoulder but i was a little too caught up in my own thoughts to pay her any attention. "not now froslass."

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Better to be Grounded - Part 2

Well, i am and i don't give a flying fuck what you think about it!" donnie was stunned.

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"fuck me fuck me fuck me!" chanted a cheetah, her once slender body now resembling something like a whale pregnancy, the wide, white stomach covered in pulsing veins, the flesh tugging uselessly on itself, trying to endure a moment more.

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Giantess Toriel X Asriel: Motherly Fuckery

flying fuck. am i watching right now. and why?" toriel asked alphys with a shockingly calm demeanor before finally officially losing her shit. "alphys, seriously, i need to fucking know!"

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Aurum Academy: Episode 4

"listen here, you bratty shit: i don't give a flying fuck what happened to you or what sort of trauma you went through. if you snap at jake or anyone like that again, you won't be leaving this academy in one piece. got it?"

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Always Bring Along Your Little Sister - Part 3

"i don't give a flying fuck what your problem is, but let me tell you this right now: you lay a paw on my brother and i will personally cave your fucking head in with this bat, you got that, you worthless piece of shit?"

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