That Gay Goth Dog: CHapter 18: The Battle to be Normal: part 3

Right on the side of the stage to watch the artist, and all the sexy furs dancing just pumped my blood even quicker to parts of me i normally would be scared to get hard in public.

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That Gay Goth Dog: Chapter 18: The Battle to be Normal: Part 2

I spoke turning around and grabbing the white plates and walk to the other side of the room, setting up the long dining table, one that could easily fit about ten people, but like normal she only sees to plates.

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The Teacher's Pet Project: What If It Was Set at a Normal Boarding School? (On hold for now)

**the teacher's pet project: what if it was set at a normal boarding school?** "there is no way in hell i am wearing that."

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Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 3: My Great Dream(that any normal five year old wouldn't have)

**Well I now it took me so long but hey, I promised before I would upload the next Chapter in this fic and I will, seeing I wanna see how this turns out.** **This Chapter will be the beginning of a three-part event that will lead to a climax that...

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The Life of Another - Character Guide *SPOILER ALERT*

Be red | | john - mike's friend | 21/male | red fox | | | josh | 14/male | raccoon | fur is pink where it would normally be white | | kelly (tami's girlfriend) | 17/female | gray wolf | fur that would normally

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Feats of the Beastfolk

normal: the character is whatever size is normal for that race. special note: some beastfolk races have starting level feats of different names that allow this quality to be taken.

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What could go wrong?

I wished to be normal! this is far from normal!" he shouted at the genie, who only laughed. "changing you to 'normal' would have canceled the first wish, which i can't do. so, instead i went for a middle ground.

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Interspecies Pamphlet (Initial Species Guide To Silver City Universe)

It is not unusual for j'ralan to have multiple mates, whom they normally keep for life, normally one male, one female.

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The Impacts of Anti-hypers on Our Prey

As was suspected, our influence on hypers is superficially reminiscent of their influence on normal furs.

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A Bountiful Bet 2

"nope, that's about normal." _this is normal._ "yeah, completely normal." sure, it was a little awkward to walk around with that big a hard-on, but there were others in the harem that were even bigger than he was.

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