Receiving the Reward - Commission for Azuracoon

Story by Sir Thaikard on SoFurry

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#11 of Commissions

A continuation of Securing the Prize, a previous commission that I did for Azuracoon. Our blue raccoon has been left hanging, literally, in this warehouse for a very long time. (Un)Fortunately he's about to get some company who are about to air him out for their own personal usage.

Being robbed of his sight while simultaneously enduring an unending barrage of sensations made it impossible to tell the passage of time. There were no windows in the warehouse and the only thing to keep Azura company was the erratic flicker of the fluorescent bulb in the ceiling.

Well, if sounds could be considered company then the consistent creak of the chains, squeak of the rubber suit, and the buzz of the toy were here too. The raccoon had stopped groaning ages ago, his body numb to the overabundance of stimulation imposed on his body.

But once in a while something would kick in and he would wheeze for a brief second before resigning himself to his fate.


There it was, another random burst of electricity to his penis, forever trapped in its moist prison drenched in a slurry of sweat and precum. This experience wouldn't be half as bad if he had been allowed to ejaculate even once. But with the metal cage preventing even a semi from forming he could only whimper as his balls got heavier and more uncomfortable.

He jerked his head to the side, something or someone was coming. Though the mask made it difficult to see and hear properly he still was able to discern the direction of where the sounds were coming from. Peering through its cloudy lenses he could make out two figures approaching him and there was the characteristic tapping of a cane.

The pair stopped in front of him. One of them was a giant dressed up in a gimp suit like the raccoon but was able to walk freely, well, as freely as the latex costume allowed for. The other was the owner of the cane that was heard earlier. A grizzled tiger in a fine three-piece suit had a paw on his chin as he examined the dangling Azura.

"Hmmm... My, my. You're quite a fine specimen aren't you? Wouldn't you agree Seb?"

A muffled agreement was heard from the gimp suit. It was impossible to tell what species was inside with that much latex cushioning its body. It also didn't help that Azura's vision was so impaired too.

"Well I think our new friend needs a break." The tiger clicked something in his palm and the shocks immediately stopped. They both stared at the raccoon as he audibly gasped a sigh of relief. It must have been pretty loud for them both to have heard him, not that he cared. He was grateful for the respite.

The tiger stepped forward and continued his observations, "Mmmm.... I wonder how long you've been stranded here..." He squeezed the orb containing Azura's dick and even through so many layers of rubber and padding the raccoon could still feel how strong the tiger was despite his outwardly aged appearance.

"Let's air him out a bit. Seb?" The gimp suit shuddered forward, heavily stomping behind the suspended raccoon. A sudden rush of cold swarmed in as Azura realized that he had been unzipped. The humid air trapped inside was now billowing out and it made him more aware of how damp and muggy things were.

"Mmmmm.... Can you smell that Seb?" The suit grunted, "This one has been percolating for quite some time! Reach in, I want to see the plug."

A rubber hand plunged into Azura's confines and he squeaked as he could feel it rummaging around in his ass. Firm fingers gripped the buttplug burrowed deep inside and with a sickening plop it was excavated, steaming and dripping. The raccoon had never felt more loose and limp as tendrils of lube were running out of his gaping asshole and trailing down his taint.

"Ohohoho, that must not have been easy to get in! Or out." The gimp held it out for the tiger to observe and even from this angle Azura could see him smirking with delight. What purpose did these two have for coming here? And what was going to happen next?

"I daresay that our friend is feeling rather empty, wouldn't you agree Seb?" The giant nodded his head enthusiastically. "Well then, get to it. Help him out, he's waiting."

His hand made a little shooing action and the gimp suit waddled over as gracefully as it could.

The heavy palm reached and zipped up Azura's suit leaving only the raccoon's ass dangling precariously out in the open. Next the lockbar was removed and it clanged loudly on the concrete floor.


He dropped his arms. How long had it been since they'd be stuck in that embarrassing position? But even as they were freed Azura couldn't fight against the heavy squeaking latex encasing him, even if he had the energy to do so.

Lifting his head up to the sound of clinking chains he observed Seb one-handedly unhook the entire apparatus. The raccoon then turned his head to the side when he felt the gimp's hand reach around.

Click. Click. Clack.

Azura's heavy boots thudded against something dense and unyielding. He was attached to something else now, something lower to the ground. Something that was squeaking against his own latex suit. It was only when he started moving that he realized that he was now stuck to the rubber giant. The raccoon could feel every breath Seb took, every jostle made, and it made Azura realize how powerless he really was.

But he wasn't just being attached to the giant. A secondary suit had been stuck over the raccoon. How thick was the first suit that he couldn't even feel the second? How far gone was his mind that he didn't even see it happen?

His head lolled down from the weight and he could see the garment straining. And while he was certainly making an impact, it was nothing compared to the imprint that Seb was creating in comparison.


And then the suit was zipped up just enough so that his sweaty buttocks were directly rubbing onto the gimp. He could feel himself leaving wet trails even though his mobility was restricted again even from the partial zip up.

And then Azura felt his head get pulled back up so that the zipper could be pulled up further.

"He's looking good Seb. Hello there, are you having fun?" The tiger gave a short wave to the pair, the way a grandparent might address a grandchild, "It's time for more fun. Seb?"

Even through his gas mask Seb's excited breaths could be heard and they were deeper now. Azura swore he could hear the giant chortle as something unzipped loudly and a long, scaly tube slapped against his ass.

First, the raccoon now had a better idea as to the identity of Seb. Not that it did him much good to know that he was currently stuck to a giant reptile but still, small victory.

Second realization, that wasn't just any tube touching his butt, it was Seb's erection.

With his ankles wrapped around the reptile's waist there was nowhere else for the rough penis to go other than between Azura's buttocks. His cockhead was already oozing copious amounts of precum that mingled readily with the raccoon's sweaty blue fur.

The raccoon reflexively clenched his anus, even though he knew it would do him no good. He was powerless against the dragonwolf from before and Seb was larger and stronger in every way possible.

Poke poke. The tip pressed against the outside. Even if there wasn't any lube from the buttplug, even if the sextoy hadn't loosened everything up, the reptile still had enough precum to make it work or would have just bruteforced his way in.


And force his way in his did.

Uselessly struggling against the harness that held him in place. The bands continued to stretch as Azura tried to pull away only to have the device ratch down more intensely. Meanwhile, the scaly penis continued to stretch him out in ways he didn't know was possible. Seb was impossible larger, larger than even the buttplug and the raccoon started to cough from how full he felt.

With a final clank he felt two giant rough orbs the size of grapefruits slap into his buttcheeks. Seb was in, he was completely in. And all Azura could do was gurgle.

Now that the raccoon was stabilized not only by the harness, but also the gimp's monster dick, Seb took the opportunity to explore and molest his new companion. Paws dragged across every part of Azura's body that could only endure the palpations wherever they occured.

"How does he feel?" Azura saw a brief thumbs up before the hand dropped to squeeze the orb imprisoning his penis. Whereas the others had needed both hands to fully encompass chastity ball, Seb was able to do it with one hand.

It was impossible to tell if the creaking came from the harness or from the prison being compacted. Even with all the padding Azura could still feel every bit of the reptile's palming resulting in some very undignified moaning and whimpers.

"Seb. Enough playing around." The cane tapped twice and the molestation stopped, "Get to it." The raccoon felt the reptile nod his head once and the massive lizard cock vacated his anus.

And then it was viciously rammed back in.


With newfound energy Azura managed to lift his arms enough to push back against Seb. But his efforts were like a snowflake against an avalanche. He was too tired, too weak and the harness was too tight, the gimp far too strong. Eventually the raccoon had to drop his arms and just accept his fate.

Something hot and sticky started spurting inside, coating the walls of his rectum. It filled the small gaps and spaces between the penis and his guts and thoroughly warmed his belly.

"You must be enjoying your new toy Seb!" The giant nodded more enthusiastically this time, making an exaggerated effort to grope Azura's chest with one hand and thigh with another. "Here, kneel down for a moment, I have a present for him."

The tiger sauntered over, and undid the raccoon's ballgag with ease. Ribbons of drool openly flowed out as Azura wheezed, desperately trying to breathe properly for the first time in what must have been hours.

"Hold his mouth open for me." A single finger dipped in and filled Azura's mouth with the harsh taste of rubber. The puddle of drool under his tongue had nowhere to go and soon something hard and synthetic was pushed passed his teeth all the way to the back of his mouth.

It rested on his tongue and the raccoon could feel all the ridges and bends of the new object. It too tasted of rubber but not in the same way as Seb's glove did. But they weren't done, something was dangling around his neck. With some help the raccoon felt more bands slither across his skull and then tighten and with his first breaths he wondered why he now sounded like the giant.

And then he realized that they had put a gas mask over his mouth too.

As he tried to process both the additional mask toy with the strange object in his mouth Azura noticed Seb raise a single finger for the tiger to see.


What was that? Only when the reptile rested his head on the raccoon's shoulder did Azura realize that the sound was coming from Seb. He was laughing. He was excited.

And he wasn't done yet

"How many times now? Just one? Very well, you may have another but we are on a schedule today."

The straps across his body pulled and strained as the harness creaked. With his arms pinned Azura felt himself limping trying to push back against his tormentor. But no amount of wheezing was going to convey how much pressure his body was undergoing with each tug.

He tried to sneak the tips of his fingers under one of the belts on his chest and when that failed he reached around to try and pull. But the raccoon was too exhausted, the suit too heavy, and it was too late.

With even more force than before Seb accelerated through the first foot of Azura's rectum with ease. The raccoon nearly choked on the gag in his mouth as he felt his intestines move out of the way a second time to make room for the foreign object in his ass.

The only thing possibly louder than the chaffing of latex against latex was the moans coming from his mouth. Compared to the drolf there was passion coming from the lizard, and Azura relished every pulsating throb and every drop leaking inside.

Then with a single hand the gimp would cover the raccoon's entire face, smothering not only the moans, but also all sight. But being completely blind meant being able to better focus on sensations of being filled, of the intense pressure, and all the tightness that was involved.

The reptile wrapped his arms around Azura and embraced his victim. What little breath was left in the raccoon's lungs were now forcibly exhaled, as if the extra space would better accommodate Seb's girth.

Now that there was additional leverage the rest of the rough penis crawled through his guts. It held itself there for a moment, as if the reptile wanted to try and hold the raccoon in place using his scrotum as a shelf and then back out. And then in, and then out.

"Seb my boy, I did say we are on a schedule today. Chop chop." The Tiger was growing impatient, stamping his cane down twice. The gimp only grunted a response and quickened his pace to the point of being breakneck.

And with one final thrust Azura felt the bearhug intensify, allowing Seb to push as deep as possible one last time.

Then in slow motion he could feel the giant's penis stiffen, the scrotum tightened, and with a bestial roar they screamed together. Violent eruptions and explosions of reptile seed soaked and filled the raccoon's belly.

Even when the gimp relaxed the embrace to press on the swelling belly growing in front of him he continued to spurt as though unending. Azura nearly choked on the ballgag as he tried his best to savour the warmth and the fullness that was spreading through his body.

If there was ever a time that he wanted to cum, it was now. Hours of teasing, multiple sessions of edging and teasing, the raccoon was on the very cusp of passing out from how desperately he wanted some form of release.

And he would get the exact opposite of that.

"Well done." The cane came tapping forward and another hand stroked the stomach that was visibly protruding against the protestations of the multiple latex suits, "Come Seb, it's time to get him ready."

Nod nod. The erection slid out as easily as it went in. But none of the semen would escape into beyond the confines of the suit. With a single swift motion everything was zipped up and a familiar taut sensation rippled through.

That wasn't to say that the cum didn't leak out, it certainly did. As the giant walked forward to some unknown destination spurts and trickles of milky white pooled in the butt of the outfit before making its way towards the back of the knees and heels of the boots.

But it didn't matter how much escaped, the raccoon still felt ridiculously plump. Like a ripe piece of fruit with too much juice to share with the world. There was a change of light meaning that it was either nighttime outside now or they had gone underground somewhere in the warehouse.

And then someone snapped their fingers, probably the Tiger. With a series of clicks Azura suddenly found himself free of his ride but also plummeting towards the ground. He collapsed on his knees and another gush of warm cum splashed over his butt.

He tried to lift his head, his arms, legs, anything to try and get up or at least get a better idea of where he was or what was going on. Instead, he sat there desperately trying to catch his breath.

"In he goes Seb. Into the sarcophagus. Come now."

Wait what? Sarcophagus? Like for Egyptian mummies? Before the raccoon could protest two beefy arms hooked under his arms and hefted him up and gingerly lay him onto his back in some container. Presumably the sarcophagus.

He felt the giant's hand grab the collar and latch it down to something within the container. As if Azura didn't have a hard enough time moving his head. He could feel the walls snugly holding him in place.

But what were these all around him? Belts of rubber? One by one they wrapped over and around his prone body, pressing him down and trapping him within the container. He couldn't even see who or what was doing it to him as his eyes were one of the first areas to get swarmed.


"What's that? Seb, I do believe he asked us to let him out."

Partially true, more than anything Azura wanted some kind of sexual relief from all this pent up tension.

The gimp did his wheezing chuckle again. And continued not only applying more of the straps, but also tightening them. Even in the poor light the raccoon could see how glossy the rubber wrapped around him was. Each wriggle resulted in croaking latex and caused something to squeak. For the final touch, Seb's palm penetrated through all the layers and the raccoon felt the grip squeezing his imprisoned penis.

"Worry not little one. You're just going into storage until Seb gets too pent up again." The raccoon could hear the reptile chuff in response, "Until then, just relax and enjoy."

And then Azura was robbed of his sense of sound as the wrappings finished with his head. Completely bound in his cocoon he likely looked every part a mummy. Except instead of bandages it was latex.

The entire world was just rubber. The taste of it in his mouth, the black around his eyes, the sound of it groaning as a gentle thud signalled the closing of his current resting place.

In the darkness something bulbous started to compress his body from all angles. Was this the sarcophagus as well? It was impossible to see due to the darkness, doubly so because of everything covering his eyes but Azura still tried to lift his head to look around only to have his neck pulled back.

Right, the collar was stuck to something.

So he endured the orbs that were pinning him down even further. It was as though the walls were inflating, pushing him further into the exact centre of the sarcophagus. And as Azura's own rubber suit fought against his shrinking prison the squeaking nearly became a squealing of chafing materials.

The choker felt tighter and more snug around his throat as the latch went taut. Being suspended in the air felt like a distant pleasant memory as back then he could at least squirm and see. Here he couldn't even buck his hips to hump the inside of the suit or rely on swinging back and forth to get some comfort.

The raccoon had been edged to a limit he didn't even know he could get to and he would have cried if he didn't keep whimpering from the pleasure.

The creaking increased to a level that it was the only thing he could hear now. Well, not entirely true. He could hear the gentle sloshing of tepid lizard semen in his belly as his body tried to accommodate being filled to such an extent.

The raccoon also had the sound of his gas mask hissing to keep him company in the claustrophobic enclosure. And as he lay there in silent agony, unable to move or release any of his pent up frustration.


The Cart After the Ponies - Commission for Flamesofsorrow

"You still got it girl..." Giggling to herself Cheerilee took a moment to examine herself in the change room mirror before shucking off the skirt of the cheerleader outfit. The cheer team had been short a member and the pony teacher had been...

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