"that's better," he relented, and started to lift her shirt. her arms lifted and she bounced with anticipation as he lifted it up, exposing her cute pudgy belly. but, he paused, another smirk on his face. "are you really sure about this?
B/g/g/g/g/g, Bisexual, Blowjob, Boy, Boy/girl, Boy/girl/girl/girl/girl/girl, Bunny, Bunny rabbit, Canine, Cervix, Clit kissing, Clitoris, Cub, Cubs, Cum, Cumming, Cunnilingus, Deep Penetration, Dress lifting, Ejaculation, Exploration, F/F, Feline, Fellatio, Female, Female/Female, Females, Fingering, Fox, Girl, Girl/Girl, Group, Harem, Incest, Kitten, Kitty, Knot, Knotted cock, Knotting, Lagomorph, Lesbian, M/F, Male, Male/Female, Male/female/female/female/female/female, Masturbation, Messy, Nipples, Orgasm, Orgy, Panties, Penis, Penis kissing, Pussy, Scissoring, Sexual Exploration, Showing off, Skunk, Skunkette, Squirting, Strip-tease, TOUCH, Teasing, Tight Clothing, Training-bra, Tribadism, Twins, Tying, Underage, Underwear, Vaginal penetration, Vibrator, Vixen, Voyeurism, Wet, Wet Dream, Wolf, Young, Young Love, b/g, bj, boxer-briefs, briefs, cat rabbit, cervical penetration, cum in pussy, cum inside, exploring, flashing, g-string, girls, leotard, lifting, m/f/f/f/f/f, mutual masturbation, pussy juice, rubbing, stripping, sundress, touching, undressing